My Cebu Ironman 70.3 training plan was designed by triathlon coaching UK and my coach is James Pyrke. Below you’ll find my week by week training as well as body composition changes throughout my training this year. Latest training is posted at the top.
Race Result:
Swim: | 39:02 |
Bike: | 2:41:56 |
Run: | 2:05:57 |
Overall: | 5:35:45 |
Week 18 (7/29) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest & Fast | ||
Tuesday | Brick 2K Run/ Bike 1Hr 10min/ Run 35 mins | 100% | |
Wednesday | Rest | 3,4 | 100% |
Thursday | Brick 1.5K Run/ Bike 1Hr/ Run 35 mins | 3 | 100% |
Friday | Rest | 4 | 100% |
Saturday | Pre-race brick | 1,2 | 100% |
Sunday | RACE DAY!! | 1,2 | 100% |
Week 18 (7/22) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest & Fast | ||
Tuesday | Swim 3KM | 100% | |
Wednesday | Interval Run 1 HR | 3,4 | 100% |
Thursday | Swim 2.5KM | 3 | 100% |
Friday | 1.5Hr Bike Interval | 4 | 100% |
Saturday | 18 KM Run | 1,2 | 100% |
Sunday | 3 Hr Bike | 1,2 | 100% |
Week 18 (7/15) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest & Fast | ||
Tuesday | Swim 3KM | 100% | |
Wednesday | Interval Run 1 HR | 3,4 | 100% |
Thursday | Swim 2.5KM | 3 | 100% |
Friday | 1.5Hr Bike Interval | 4 | 100% |
Saturday | 18 KM Run | 1,2 | 100% |
Sunday | 3 Hr Bike | 1,2 | 100% |
Week 17 (7/8) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest & Fast | ||
Tuesday | 1 Hr Bike Intervals | 100% | |
Wednesday | 1.2 KM Swim | 3,4 | 100% |
Thursday | 20 Min Run | 3 | 100% |
Friday | 1.5KM Swim | 4 | 100% |
Saturday | 18KM Run | 1,2 | 100% |
Sunday | 2 Hr Bike & Insanity | 1,2 | 100% |
Week 16 (7/1) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest & Fast | ||
Tuesday | 1Hr Bike Interval | 100% | |
Wednesday | 1.2KM Swim | 3,4 | 100% |
Thursday | 20 Mins run | 3 | 100% |
Friday | 1.5KM Swim | 4 | 100% |
Saturday | 23KM Run | 1,2 | 100% |
Sunday | 100KM Bike | 1,2 | 100% |
Week 15 (6/24) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | 21KM run | 100% | |
Tuesday | 2 HR Cycle | 100% | |
Wednesday | Rest | 3,4 | 0% |
Thursday | Rest | 3 | 0% |
Friday | Rest | 4 | 0% |
Saturday | Run 16KM | 1,2 | 100% |
Sunday | Bike 1.5 Hr | 1,2 | 100% |
Baby Aaron was born!
Week 14 (6/17) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest & Fast | ||
Tuesday | Extensive Ae. Swim (3K) | 0% | |
Wednesday | Interval Run (1hr) | 3,4 | 0% |
Thursday | Intensive Ae. Swim (3K) | 3 | 0% |
Friday | Moderate Ae. Bike (2hr 30) | 4 | 0% |
Saturday | Extensive Ae. Run (1hr 50 mins) | 1,2 | 0% |
Sunday | Brick (Bike/Run) (4hr 30 mins) | 1,2 | 0% |
Week 13 (6/10) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest & Fast | ||
Tuesday | Extensive Ae. Swim (3K) | 100% | |
Wednesday | Interval Run (1hr) | 3,4 | 100% |
Thursday | Moderate Ae. Bike (2hr 20min) | 3 | 50% |
Friday | 4 | 0% | |
Saturday | Extensive Ae. Run (2Hr 7 min, 20K) | 1,2 | 100% |
Sunday | Brick (Bike/Run) (4Hr) | 1,2 | 100% |
Week 12 (6/3) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest & Fast | ||
Tuesday | Extensive Swim (3K) | 3 | 0% |
Wednesday | Interval Run (1hr) | 3 | 0% |
Thursday | Moderate Ae. Bike (2Hr) | 3,4 | 50% |
Friday | Intensive Ae. Swim (3K) | 3,4 | 100% |
Saturday | Extensive Ae. Run (1hr 30 mins) | 1,2 | 100% |
Sunday | Extensive Ae. Bike 3Hr 40 min | 1,2 | 100% |
Week 11 (5/27) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest & Fast | ||
Tuesday | Threshold Run (1hr) | 3 | 0% |
Wednesday | Extensive Ae. Swim (3K) | 50% | |
Thursday | Mod. ae. Bike with Intervials (2hr 20) | 1,2,3 | 50% |
Friday | Intensive Ae. Swim (3K) | 0% | |
Saturday | Intensive Ae. Swim (3K)Extensive Ae. Run (15K) | 1,2 | 100% |
Sunday | Bike (110K/4Hr 3min) | 1,2 | 100% |
Week 10 (5/20) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest & Fast | ||
Tuesday | Moderate Ae. Swim (2.5K) | 2 | 75% |
Wednesday | Run (40 mins) | 3,4 | 100% |
Thursday | Intensive Ae. Swim (2.5K) | 3 | 50% |
Friday | Ae. Bike (2hr 30min) | 4 | 50% |
Saturday | Extensive Ae. Run (1hr 45 mins) | 1,2 | 50% |
Sunday | Brick (Bike/Run) (4hr) | 1,2 | 75% |
Week 9 (5/13) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Full Brick (S2K, B1hr10, R35min) | 1,2 | 0% |
Tuesday | Rest | 0% | |
Wednesday | Bike 1Hr, Run 35Min | 1,2 | 0% |
Thursday | Ae. Swim (1.5K) | 2 | 0% |
Friday | Run 15min, B 15min | 1,2 | 0% |
Saturday | Bintan Race! | 1,2 | 100% |
Sunday | Rest | 1 | 0% |
On antibiotics during Race week due to nose/ ear infection (incl. race day) but achieved PB!
Week 8 (5/6) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest & Fast | ||
Tuesday | Extensive Ae. Swim (2.5K) | 100% | |
Wednesday | Interval Bike (1Hr) | 3,4 | 100% |
Thursday | Interval Run (1Hr) | 3,4 | 100% |
Friday | Intensive Ae. Swim (2.5K) | 3,4 | 25% |
Saturday | Extensive Ae. Run (1hr) | 1,2 | 50% |
Sunday | Brick Repeats (Bike/Run) (2hr 55 mins) | 1,2 | 100% |
Week 7 (4/29) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest & Fast | ||
Tuesday | Extensive Ae. Swim (2.5K) | 100% | |
Wednesday | Threshold Run (1hr) | 3,4 | 100% |
Thursday | Intensive Ae. Swim (2.5K) | 3 | 75% |
Friday | Interval Bike (1hr) | 4 | 100% |
Saturday | Extensive Ae. Run (1hr 45 mins) | 1,2 | 50% |
Sunday | Brick (Bike/Run) (3hr 30 mins/ 30mins ) | 1,2 | 125% |
Week 6 (4/22) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest & Fast | ||
Tuesday | Extensive Ae. Swim (2.5K) | 75% | |
Wednesday | Interval Run (1hr) | 3,4 | 100% |
Thursday | Intensive Ae. Swim (2.5K) | 3 | 100% |
Friday | Threshold Bike (1hr) | 4 | 100% |
Saturday | Extensive Ae. Run (2hr) | 1,2 | 100% |
Sunday | Brick (Bike/Run) (3hr 30) | 1,2 | 100% |
Week 5 (4/15) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest | 100% | |
Tuesday | Interval Bike | 3,4 | 100% |
Wednesday | Extensive Ae. Swim | 75% | |
Thursday | Threshold Run | 3 | 100% |
Friday | Intensive Ae. Swim (2.5K) Strength & Conditioning |
3 | 75% 100% |
Saturday | Extensive Ae. Run (1hr 30) | 1,2 | 100% |
Sunday | Brick (3hr) | 1 & 2 | 100% |
Week 4 (4/8) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Extensive Ae. Swim (2K) | 100% | |
Tuesday | Intensive Ae. Run (50min) | 2 | 100% |
Wednesday | Strength & Conditioning Moderate Ae. Bike |
1&2 | 50% |
Thursday | Intensive Ae. Swim | 3 | 50% |
Friday | Extensive Aerobic Run (1hr 10min) | 1,2 | 100% |
Saturday | Strength & Conditioning | 100% | |
Sunday | Extensive Aerobic Bike (3hr) | Zone 1 & 2 | 75% |
Week 3 (4/1) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest | ||
Tuesday | Strength & conditioning | 100% | |
Wednesday | Extensive Aerobic Swim | 100% | |
Thursday | Intensive Aerobic Run | 2 | 50% |
Friday | Moderate Aerobic Bike with Accelerations | 1,2,3 | 100% |
Saturday | Intensive Aerobic Swim (2K) Extensive Aerobic Run (1hr 15) |
3 1,2 |
0% 0% |
Sunday | Bike/ Run Brick (3hr) | 1,2 | 75% |
Week 2 (3/25) | Work out | Intensity Zone | %Complete |
Monday | Rest | ||
Tuesday | Brick (Bike/Run) (3Hr) | 1&2 | 50% |
Wednesday | Moderate Aerobic Bike (2Hr) | 1&2 | 50% |
Thursday | Strength and Conditioning | 100% | |
Friday | Threshold Run (50min) Extensive Aerobic Swim (2K) |
0% | |
Saturday | Strength & Conditioning Intensive Aerobic Swim |
3 | 0% 0% |
Sunday | Extensive Aerobic Run (1hr 15) | Zone 1 & 2 | 75% |
Week 1 (3/18) | Work out | Intensity | %Complete |
Monday | Rest | ||
Tuesday | Threshold Bike | Zone 3 | 100% |
Wednesday | Intensive Aerobic Run | Zone 2 | 50% |
Thursday | Strength and Conditioning | 100% | |
Friday | Intensive Aerobic Swim | Zone 3 | 75% |
Saturday | Extensive Aerobic Swim (2K) Extensive Aerobic Run (1hr 10) |
Zone 1 & 2 | 0% 100% |
Sunday | Extensive Aerobic Bike (2hr 45) | Zone 1 & 2 | 75% |